Thursday, October 15, 2015

Immersive Education Linking Technology and History

          South eastern Colorado's biggest tourist destination, Old Ben's Fort, will soon be available for 3D virtual tours, for free, thanks to students at nearby LaJunta High School and Otero Junior College.  According to 9News Denver, these students are a part of an after school Immersive Education program in which they are using the game Minecraft to get familiar with virtual building, before moving to the architectural program, AutoCad to build the final product. 
          9News's coverage of this news article was more appealing to me visually, than the one done by KOAA News 5.  The images of the animals and people made the project more exciting, rather than News 5's building-only images.  I think News 5 made a mistake by featuring lots of dreary, grey images, as opposed to 9News's colorful, action shots.  9News also mentioned more about the funding of the project, which is non-profit, funded by the Immersive Education initiative and Stanford University's Architectural Design Program.  All in all, although 9News's story, although shorter, was more informative and appealing than that of News 5.

You can watch this news story for yourself at: Old Ben's Fort

This is an assignment from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Collaborative Computing. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at  

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