Monday, October 5, 2015

Magic Leap, Microsoft HoloLens, HTC Valve Vive, and Samsung Virtual Reality (VR).

          Tonight we watched several videos that showed very exciting developments in the virtual reality world.  Seeing these videos baffles me at how fast technology is changing almost everything about our everyday lives.  My favorite video was the one highlighting the Samsung VR, which is a mobile virtual reality device developed by Samsung and is compatible with Samsung Galaxy devices.  Using the Samsung VR, a father witnessed the birth of his third child through virtual reality.  It was incredible to watch on the internet, I can only imagine how incredible it was for the parents to not feel as though they were separated in such an important life moment. The trouble I see with this is, once we get used to not having to physically be somewhere because we can virtually be there, will we spend less time actually together?

         Another astonishing development is the Microsoft HoloLens.  I was blown away by this video from IED, I felt like I was transported many years into the future just by watching the video.  If this new way of communicating becomes mainstream, it will be like zooming years ahead.  My favorite part was when the man was helping the woman fix the plumbing to her sink using the HoloLens.  This is a practical, day to day use of the technology that could make life a lot easier.

        Magic Leap is a company that is being funded billions of dollars by Google as a "head-mounted virtual retinal display which superimposes 3D computer-generated imagery over real world objects"(Wikipedia.)  With Magic Leap, objects from the game appear all around you as you move and navigate through.  This could be great for improving the health concerns of young people in which hours of gaming has lead to weight gain.  Moving while gaming is much better for your health.

        The HTC Valve Vive is very similar to the Samsung VR in that you use a goggle or visor like device that creates a virtual reality.  The difference between the two is that Samsung is compatible with mobile devices and the HTC is more for computers.  Also, the Valve Vive is similar to the oculus, but the major improvement is that the Vive uses your own body in the game.

Check out these cool videos and others at

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